Sunday 5 July 2009

Vez's Adventures in SL June 09

Dear Friends,
This is the last newsletter that I will be writing before I go back to the UK for some leave. I will be spending some time working, training, reporting back but also (and maybe more of a highlight for me!) will be taking some time to rest with friends and family.

So this month, I thought I'd feedback to you with some photos, after all a picture speaks a thousand words.
So here we go...

Psalm 150 :1
Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name;

make known among the nations what he has done.

So that should give you a good picture of what we get up to out here. Fun, rewarding, but also very stressful and tiring at times. God always sustains us. A few people have asked about my plans. Well, I will be back to SL early September when I will also be joined by Sarah the new Occupational Therapist. She will take over the supervision of this work, while Abu will hopefully step into more responsibility. The future is always in God's hands, but Him willing, this work has shown to be successful and we hope it will continue to be an evident way of sharing God's love with his people.

Hope to see some of you over my holidays, otherwise, stay in touch...
With love, Vez

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome Pics! Enjoy your thoroughly deserved time off.